Oil For Your Lamp

Vocal solo with optional flute or violin accompaniment

Words and music by Craig Petrie


I wrote this for the seminary kids to sing this year, but I was too slow and they weren't able to use it.  It introduces Jesus' parable of the ten virgins and then encourages to be good continually (gather oil for your lamps) to prepare for the Second Coming.  Good for a solo or a youth group to sing.  The vocal range is A-D for the lower voices version, C-F for the higher voices version.  Sounds nice both with and without the flute/violin part.






There's a story I know,
Jesus taught long ago,
About ten virgins who
Went to meet the bridegroom.
Five had oil, five had none;
When the bridegroom did come,
Five went in to be with him.
The others, they were turned away.


Like this story of old,
I've a lamp that I hold.
Though the oil I must find
Is a most diff'rent kind:
If in faith I obey
Year on year, day by day,
Then I will my own lamp fill.
It will burn bright all through the night.


Gather oil for your lamp, day by day, year on year.
Gather oil while you can, while the daylight is here.
Drop by drop, fill your lamp for His coming is near;
Then this lamp you will light,
It will glow long and bright
With the oil that you gathered for your lamp.


Thought this pathway I've sought,
As the Savior has taught,
Will be narrow and long,
I will stay, pressing on.
For this path maks the way
Where the oil droplets lay,
And I will my own lamp fill.
It will burn bright all through the night.


repeat CHORUS


Though the oil will come but slowly,
May the flow be sure and steady.
Till the day, when pure and holy,
I will stand, I will be ready!


repeat CHORUS


With the oil that you gathered for your lamp.